Assessment at Key Stage 3

How will my child be assessed?

Assessment during Key Stage 3 allows students, staff and parents to be able to track how a student is progressing against the expected progress. It also enables staff to be able to see which students require more support in lessons and who is showing signs that they may need extra support from our Learning Support Department.

Subjects will assess students in different ways, from formal tests to projects and extended writing. To be able to help support students in preparing for assessments, each subject has outlined when and how students will be assessed for each subject area. The assessment calendar outlines what skills and knowledge are going to be covered in the assessment to ensure effective revision and preparation can take place.

How can I support my child with preparation for assessments?

If you wish to support your child in fulfilling their potential in their assessed work you can find the assessment calendars here with a brief outline of what will be assessed and what to revise and practice. Using this you can monitor your child’s home learning and revision and ensure that they spend adequate time at home preparing for their assessments.

How should my child be revising and preparing?

The section on home learning on the school website can be found here.

On this page you will find links to the knowledge organisers which have knowledge summaries for each subject for each term. This information can be used to complete a range of revision activities such as flash cards and mind maps. Further down the home learning page you will find a range of strategies for revision and preparation that can be used by students. Each student will have a preferred method and by practicing these they will be able to decide which way of revising is best for them.

How will I know if my child is making progress?

Each term a Progress Review is completed for each student. This is a form of report. On the progress review your child’s teachers will include a grade from 1-4. This will indicate how they are progressing in the subject overall and will be influenced by assessment outcomes:

4 – Effort in class demonstrates excellent progress which will result in Expected or More than Expected Progress from the students’ KS2 result or CAT score or GCSE results.

3 – Effort in class demonstrates good progress which should result in Expected Progress from the students’ KS2 result or CAT score or GCSE results.

2 – Effort in class demonstrates some progress which could result in Less than Expected Progress.

1 – Effort in class demonstrates limited, if any, progress is being made and will result in Less than Expected Progress.

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