Student care

Life at Dallam is anchored around the emotional and physical health and well-being of every child in our school community. Whether we are focussing on academic skills and achievements or our pastoral approach and actions, we believe that robust, positive relationships are fundamental. It’s those connections and interactions with our whole school team that empower our students to thrive.

We’ve reinvigorated the time our students have with their form tutors and provided a range of opportunities for students to take part in school outings and extra-curricular activities. Both of which are underpinned by the delivery of a rich and well-balanced curriculum. We also actively inspire students to assume diverse leadership roles, promoting independence and communication skills as we ready them for their next steps beyond Dallam.

If you ever have any worries about your child’s wellbeing please contact our pastoral team so we can work together to help and support your child.

You can also find details on our policies, procedures and life at school in our Important Information for Parents section on this website. 

We’ve also pulled together a range of external mental health and safeguarding resources below.

Health, mental health and safeguarding resources

The Young Minds website has lots of useful advice on specific issues including:

  • dealing with exam stress
  • bullying
  • Internet safety
  • drug and alcohol abuse advice
  • healthy eating and eating disorders   

For other issues we would recommend:

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