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Tunnock’s Teacake Challenge

School News ·
Tunnock's Teacake Challenge

The first bite is with the eye

Tunnock's Teacake ChallengeOur Year 9s channelled this quote for their final Food Technology practical lesson.  The Tunnock’s Teacake Challenge is to imagine the teacake is a dessert and present it in a unique, creative and show-stopping way demonstrating three presentation techniques. This prepares them for the GCSE practical element of the course, where presentation is essential.  After the desserts are presented the class discuss the ideas and assess them together.

The students love the opportunity to get creative and show off what they have learnt – they get super competitive but also really compliment each other’s work. It’s a great challenge. – Miss Edwards, Food Technology Teacher.

And what did the students think about the Tunnock’s Teacake Challenge?:

It’s a great chance to use your imagination.

It’s a good opportunity to start thinking about restaurant presentation.

P.S.  After the first bite being with the eye, the following bites were definitely with the students’ mouths – yum yum.
Tunnock's Teacake Challenge

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