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Holocaust Memorial Day 2023

School News ·
Holocaust Memorial Day 2023
Image: illustration from Irmina by Barbara Yelin, Credit: SelfMadeHero © Barbara Yelin

The theme for this year’s Holocaust Memorial Day is ‘Ordinary People’.  We have held special assemblies for Dallam School students throughout the week ending with Holocaust Memorial Day on the Friday.  Following this year’s theme, assemblies were about understanding that all those involved in genocide are ordinary people like us – with families, friends and homes. The victims of genocide are ordinary people who happen to belong to a group. The perpetrators are ordinary people who abuse power. The bystanders are ordinary people who do nothing. The rescuers are ordinary people who do extraordinary things. 

Holocaust Memorial Day is such an important day for us to not only reflect and remember the victims of the Holocaust, but also on other genocides that have happened in the world such as in Rwanda, Cambodia, Bosnia and the current genocide ongoing in Darfur. This years theme of ‘Ordinary People’ is a fantastic way for us to also consider how we, as ordinary people, can show our school value of courage to stand up to prejudice wherever we find it and stamp out hatred from our world. – Mr Newbold, History teacher

Year 9 have just begun their new topic in History on the Holocaust, which will explore the nature of historic anti-Semitism, the treatment of the Jews and those who showed the courage we are encouraging all our students to show.

Year 9 will also have a virtual tour of Auschwitz on 15 February.  This is to further their understanding of the locations these atrocities took place in.

To find out more about Holocaust Memorial Day visit 

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