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IMPORTANT – back to school notice

School News ·

To enable a safe return to school for all our staff and students we need to put in place arrangements for students to take two lateral flow tests when they return in September.  To do this, we will need to stagger the return of students at the start of term.

Please can all parents/carers complete the consent form for lateral flow testing by clicking on this link.

All students must complete a lateral flow test the day before they come to school in September, but there is no requirement to test through the holiday.  Please note that Department for Education guidance may change during the summer holiday, so these plans may need to be adapted. We will let you know as soon as possible if this is the case by letter.

  • Weds 1 Sept – Staff INSET day (no students in school).
  • Thurs 2 Sept – Year 7 and Year 12 ONLY. Week A. LFD tests, form time and transition activities for Year 7. Buses and the times of the school day run as normal. The canteen will provide lunches for Year 7 students on this day as part of their transition to Dallam School.
  • Fri 3 Sept – Year 7, 11, 12 and 13 ONLY. Week A. Normal timetable for Years 7 and 12.  LFD tests and normal timetable for Years 11 and 13. Buses and the times of the school day run as normal.  Canteen facilities will be available through the Fusion App (Year 11), the canteen service in the Sixth Form, or students can bring packed lunches.
  • Mon 6 Sept – all students in school. Week B. LFD tests for Years 8, 9 and 10 and normal timetable. Normal timetable for all other students.

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